November 30, 2020
A dental emergency could have a lasting impact on your smile, especially if you don’t take action to get the proper medical care needed. Time is the most important factor that will affect the long-term outcome of the accident. If your gums or teeth have been injured in an accident, then we invite you to call our experienced team for emergency dental services.
If other medical issues are a concern, the best solution is to visit an emergency room to treat all of the injuries. But, you might call a dentist directly if only the mouth and teeth are affected by the accident. There is a short window of a few hours if you want the chance to save a damaged or missing tooth.
The first thing you should do after the accident is call our team for more information. We can fit you into our schedule if the accident happened during regular business hours. Or, we will make arrangements to meet at the office if the accident is after hours. We are happy to make time in our schedule to accommodate your needs and increase the likelihood that we can save your tooth.
Call us right away if any of these situations have damaged your teeth:
Even if you think the tooth is fine, it is best to schedule a consultation. A seemingly small issue could turn into big problems in the future. So, we should always assess the injury to the tooth to see if treatments are needed.
Our dental team can offer the assistance and treatments that you need for your dental emergency. But, there are a few things that should be considered before you visit the office. Here are a few tips:
For emergency services, you need to contact our office right away. Clock Tower Dentistry is here to help!